Our HCCN is made up of 30 FQHCs and 5 Federally Qualified Health Center Look-alikes. These health centers serve more than 665,000 patients – about 70% of the health center patient population in the state of Pennsylvania.
For Health Centers in Pennsylvania, support is available to help your organization leverage health information technology and data to deliver high-quality, culturally competent, equitable and comprehensive primary health care, with a specific focus on improvements in:
The Health Federation of Philadelphia has been a HRSA-funded Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) since 2012, and offers more than a decade of experience in providing network-level and individualized technical assistance, training and support, and leveraging resources to meet the evolving needs of Federally Qualified Health Centers and Look-alikes in Pennsylvania. Over the years, we have built an expert team that we deploy through live training sessions, at-the-elbow support for health center staff, peer-learning opportunities and the curation of key resources and materials. We offer an extensive menu of technical assistance and support services focused on:
Our HCCN is made up of 30 FQHCs and 5 Federally Qualified Health Center Look-alikes. These health centers serve more than 665,000 patients – about 70% of the health center patient population in the state of Pennsylvania.
When you join the HCCN, you will be able to leverage the HCCN team and our decades of combined experience in providing individualized technical assistance and support; participate in opportunities for networking and peer-learning both in small and large groups; and access a wealth of training opportunities, including live training sessions and curated, archived resources.
“Our partnership with HFP is worth its weight in gold.”
“I don’t think CH-DC would be where we are without HFP’s help.”
Through calls and meetings, participants work with a project team to create and work through a project plan specific to your health center.
Suzanne Cohen, Senior Director of Population Health
215-567-8001 ext. 3026
This program is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $3,122,451 with 0% financed with nongovernmental sources.