Diabetes Prevention Program

HFP Supported DPP Programs for Health Center Patients.

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a year-long, CDC recognized, evidence-based program targeted to people at high risk for Type 2 diabetes.  The DPP is focused on the prevention of Type 2 diabetes by helping participants with pre-diabetes diagnoses make modest lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of developing Type 2.  Trained coaches work with and support participants to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

HFP conducts ongoing DPP cohorts facilitated by one of their certified Lifestyle Coaches at a variety of health care settings within the city of Philadelphia.  In addition, an on-site Master Trainer is available to train lifestyle coaches who agree to offer their DPP groups to patients within our network of health centers.  The Health Federation has received full recognition by the CDC as a result of their proven success in helping participants achieve their stated goals.

HFP runs a private group on Facebook for graduates of the Health Federation’s DPP cohorts in order to help them stay connected, share resources and continue to stay engaged to reach their goals. 

Staff participate on the Philadelphia Diabetes Prevention Collaborative, a compendium of stakeholders who meet regularly to advance the diabetes prevention efforts city-wide.  

Join the effort to address the diabetes epidemic! 

Watch HFP's Lifestyle Coach, Marcy Witherspoon, and DPP member Richard Byrd on MyDiabetesHQ!
Watch Mike's Journey with Prediabetes

To get connected with the DPP program, contact: DPP@healthfederation.org